Aneh kedengarannya, tetapi sehingga tahun 1950-an, t-shirt masih dianggap 'pakaian dalam' hingga selebriti seperti John Wayne, James Dean, dan Marlon Brando mengejutkan Amerika sesama mereka dengan memakai "pakaian dalam" mereka di televisyen. Sekarang, selepas setengah abad, ada ribuan tee yg sangat cool, bermula dengan T-shirt yang hanya mempunyai beberapa mesej lucu, dan berakhir dengan beberapa jenis interaktif gila dari Jepun. Berikut adalah design T-shirt benar-benar kreatif dari seluruh dunia

1. Bath Plug T-Shirt

“Black aluminum ball chain is attached to the ribbon sewn to the shirt with the double ring, which allow us to remove the chain for wash. The point where the ribbon is sewn is supported on its back with a piece of felt.” (Designed by shikishai)

2. Resident Evil T-Shirt


3. The Situation

A perfect T-shirt for that “guido” in your life who wants to show off the abs ala The Situation from MTV’s Jersey Shore via (Branden Kramer)

4. Personal Trainer T-Shirt

(Advertising Agency: GJP Advertising + Design, Toronto, Canada)

5. Venetian Blind T-Shirt

The string is not a print, but a real string, which you can pull to open the blinds, as shown on the image above. Suitable to spend the hot summer. (Designed by shikisai)

6. Best Video Game Controller Ever

(Designer: unknown)

7. FedEx Illusion T-Shirt

(Designer: unknown)

8. Skin T-Shirt

(Designer: Simon Berg)

9. The Chalkboard Tee


10. Zoo Safari T-Shirts

(Advertising Agency: DDB Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil)

11. Shoelace T-Shirt

“Your shoelace is undone. No, no, not on your feet, but on your chest.” (Designed by shikishai)

12. Bikini T-Shirt

(Designer: unknown)

13. 2010 FIFA World Cup T-Shirt

(Designed for the Dutch football federation)

14. Long Hair Illusion T-Shirt

“For healthy hair growth” – Eu Yan Sang H4H Hair Formula.
(Advertising Agency: DDB Singapore | Creative Director: Terrence Tan | Art Directors: Teoh Sin Eng, Kiah Lim)

15. Pen And Note T-Shirt

(Designed by shikishai)


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