Jika anda berfikir bahawa 'PENUTUP LUBANG NINJA TURTLE' merangkumi dibuat hanya untuk melindungi pejalan kaki dari jatuh - pikirla balik. Tidak hanya itu ,ianya merupakan bahan yang sempurna untuk melakukan seni, dan boleh juga digunakan untuk iklan. Jom layan beb

1. Hellhole

How many more lives will cost $1.25? Please call 010-62357575 to report manhole cover theft so we can put an end to this. (Beijing Municipal Administration Commission)

2. A Crocodile eating a Capitalist

Somewhere in Brooklyn, NY, USA (Image credits: CC Chapman)

3. Dirty Mouth?

(Orbit ad)

4. Teleport

Teleport ke alam ghaib.

5. 108

Manhole cover painted by 108 in Milan, Italy.

6. Ancient Manhole

Ancient Roman sewer grate made out of lime sandstone, 1st century AD, excavated at Vindobona. (Image credits: Gryffindor)

7. Deer

(Image credits: somenametoforget)

8. Flowers

(Image credits: strikeael)

9. Fish

(Image credits: mag3737)

10. Apples

(Image credits: mag3737)

11. Corns

(Image credits: mag3737)

12. Duck

(Image credits: mag3737)

13. Houses Decorated With Flowers

(Image credits: prepreet)

14. Face of a Child

(Image credits: kimfaires)

15. Balls

Painted manhole cover in Matsumoto, Japan (Image credits: jpellgen)

16. Neya Gawa

(Image credits: JanneM)

17. Sculpture

(Image credits: Let Ideas Compete)

18. Water Is Precious, Let’s Conserve It

Water conservation campaign in Dublin.

19. Another Sculpture

(Image credits: Dogs New Clothes)

20. Chinese Runners

(Image credits: unknown)

21. Fireman

(Image credits: unknown)
22. Prisoners

“Thousands are held prisoners for their beliefs in places worse than this. Write until you free them all.” (Amnesty International campaign)
Advertising Agency: TBWA, Warsaw, Poland

23. Folgers Coffee

“Hey City That Never Sleeps. Wake up.” Folgers coffee campaign.

24. Fail

Walaupun kreatif, tapi yg ni memang FAIL. Macam sial..xda function pun buat menatang tuh.


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