Who would have thought that a pile of clothes could be art? Artist Bela Borsodi was the one that came up with the idea of folding shirts, jackets, dresses and other clothing into different face expressions. Every part of a garment is used to express parts of a face. Collars form mouths, sleeves and pockets creates eyes and buttons or zips add details to the face.
"Aku bukan serius sgt ngan blog ni.aku buat skadar hobi je.bnyak akuambil dari banyak sumber2 blog lain.so sorila ifade info dari blog sesape yg aku seludup masuk dalam nih.aku simpan hanya sebagai info sahaja.suke ati korangla nak baca ke tak.bagi aku sharing is caring..aku juz suke suki nak share ilmu2 ygaku dpt ni ngan sesape yg nk tau"~ shah adzlee
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